
What is Homeopathy?

Homeopathy is a method of treatment which was developed by the German physician Dr Samuel Hahnemann in the late 18th century. The term ‘Homeopathy’ comes from the Greek word ‘homoeos’ (similar) and ‘pathos’ (suffering). The principle of Homeopathy lies in the philosophy ‘like cures like’ whereby substances which can cause symptoms in a healthy individual can address these symptoms manifesting in a sick person.

How does Homeopathy work?

Homeopaths believe that disease is a state of imbalance resulting from several factors. These factors include external influences: lifestyle, food, exercise, environmental exposures, microbes, physical and mental trauma. For external factors to cause disease the individual must be susceptible. Someone who is mentally alert and physically active has a strong vital force and is more immune to the action of viruses, bacteria, parasites, seasonal changes and stress, so they fall ill less often.

A Homeopath looks at all physical and mental symptoms together and suggests the one remedy specific to the individual. It is the appropriateness if the remedy to the individual which stimulates the vital force and promotes good health.

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